Monday, December 24, 2012

Hmm... just an update

It's been a while since I've released anything. Sorry about that. It's just been a very busy time for me and I couldn't make time for you guys...

I feel bad hehe...
But I've been tinkering with the kirikiri engine (visual novels) and um.. I've started doing this:

Well, I won't probably finish anything until January (its a long long game) so it's just a heads up. I'm also still getting the hang of the engine and fixing some bugs so there's a lot haha.

Anyway, I'll take this opportunity to wish you guys a happy new year :-)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Very busy week!

Sorry guys but I've been busy lately and I've got a lot of things to do still! I'll try to get out a translation by next week or so.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Abunai Kankei - Better Chapter 01 and Chapter 02 (finally!)

Abunai Kankei by Nodagaku:

I retranslated Chapter 01 and it's  better-ish now since I've gotten better translating Japanese to English. I rewrote a couple of sentences instead of just translating them (which is what I did before).

So this new Chapter 01 is less derpy in english and less awkward when it comes to dialogues.

I've also decided on just using dangerous relationship rather than taboo relationship since that's what abunai really means anyway. I forgot why I use taboo back then... hmmm....

Anyway here you go:


Chapter 01                                    Chapter 02

Chapter 03 and the other chapters might follow next week. I might do tagame stuff in between chapters of this series.

Well, off to bed!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Visit this Sunday!

Well, I finished chapter 02 of the Kankei Series (thank the holidays!) and I don't know how many I can finish before sunday.

Just visit on Sunday this week or early monday and I'll up everything that I've managed to finish by then.

It's just been a crazy week for me and lots of stuff happened all at once.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just in case you're wondering...

I'm not dead or anything. It's just been a hell week for me because of work so I can only give an hour or so everyday for translating. I've actually started working on the Abunai Kankei first instead.

Hopefully, I'll get something done by the end of the week... upload it on a saturday or on a sunday.

Wooossssh --- gotta go!

P.S. --- You can sign up for that email thing on the side if you can't subscribe so that you'll knw when something's been upped here.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Finally! Chapter 03 - Vast Snow Field

I was very busy these last few days but I got this nearly done almost a week ago and it kept bugging me that it's not done yet (run on sentence? haha). Anyway, I did a quick jab at it and it's doneee!

The ending of the vast snow field trilogy ~ with russians!

Warning - one pages worth of bondage scenes (still pretty light considering it's tagame)


Does anybody have a copy of Fujimoto's 'Contract' manga? Saw a link somewhere but it was broken and I only got the second part ('Contract Updating')... wanted to translate the first one for you guys...

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Anyway, as I've said before... I'm going to get busy again so I'm slowing down with the translation.

Look here to see if anything is in progress or on hold and what manga will be translated next.

The top 5 list are the sequence in which these things will get translated.

And remember, patience is a virtue!

Vast Snow Trilogy - CH02 (A long, lonely night)

Here's the second part of the Vast Snow Trilogy. It's as long as the first chapter and the quality is slightly better.

The third chapter's nearly done actually (just two pages left) but it might wait for a while since I've got to do something urgent.

Anyway, here's the second chapter:

The third chapter's twice as long though...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Vast Snow Field Trilogy! ~~ well, Chapter 01!

Somebody requested this way, way back in April, I think. I finally got a look and the first chapter is in Chinese!! Well, it felt awkward just translating the latter chapters (all in japanese) so I pulled all remaining knowledge of Mandari/Hokkien/Cantonese together!

The story's pretty cute and light (no seriously, it's not gruesome or anything) and this is like the opposite of winter fisherman lodge when it comes to the dynamic of the relationship!

Here it is:

Translator's note:

The quality is not very high but it's all I could find, sorry.

I haven't spoken Chinese in ages! But I think I translated mostly everything right... or precisely... There's only one to two dialogues that's been bugging me but I think I chose the right way to put it in english

Anyway, enjoy! The next chapters are in japanese so yey because I can read them better!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I can't tell anyone - Tagame

This took way longer than it should! At some point, I decided to actually stop - I was having a hard time translating this for some reason (maybe I'm tired? ahaha).

Anyway, I decided to finish it anyway (someone was requesting for the translation of this sometime ago)... and here's the result. It's not perfect but at least you'll know the story... if you're into this thing -- huzzah, more tagame translated!

Warning: light bondage... etc.. usual tagame - but this one is light too!

I have a few more tagame stuff I want to translate for you guys (2 more me thinks)!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just a heads up

So my 'free weekend' is about to end. That's the primary reason why I was able to translate a couple of things very quickly. Well, my usual workload will now be back to normal so my time is unfortunately very limited again!

Just a heads up. I might only do a translation a week. Hopefully I don't get buried or anything in work again!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Standing Ovations and Bad news

Another past midnight translation!

Standing Ovations by Tagame (...pretty violent)

I haven't seen the official english version yet and I'm sure there's going to be differences (plus I'm doing these things in the middle of the night hehe). Just tell me if somethings wrong.

There's someone in the boards asking for the english of this... is he still looking? Someone just tell the alt people there please!

Bad News!

I finally saw that Okinawa Slave Island Manga and it's in... Chinese.... simplified.. I think. 

Until someone can get ahold of the original japanese.. I won't be able to translate it. Much of my Mandarin and Hokkien are gone now... it's been 8 years since I spoke those two!

So sorry about that.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I think I'm going to rest for a bit before lunging after the kankei series. Hm.. I'm thinking of doing some oneshots by tagame too.....

It depends... will see.. Enjoy the weekend!

Thanks a bunch!

Winter Fisherman Lodge - ALL DONE!

Well, I wanted to finish it tonight since I want to be free of everything tomorrow (sunday!). I'm really tired but it all worked out I think. I'm pretty drained by the numerous kanjis (gaahh.. I love them and I hate them!)

The Winter Fisherman Lodge Series:


                Chapter 01                               Chapter 02                                   Chapter 03

 Chapter 04                                     Chapter 05                                      Chapter 06

Friday, September 28, 2012

Winter Fisherman Lodge CH05 - Sex sounds.. sex sounds everywhere!

This one - I bet you like this one! It's basically the 'climax' <pun?> of the series.

Without further ado:

Winter Fisherman Lodge CH05


On a very related note:

to *you* who gave a generous
tip and to all of you who
bother coming here!!!!

No seriously.. thanks a bunch! We've got 2 more to go and I'm on the kankei series!

I just saw that I had two followers! I just went flipping mad ~~~ you can tell I'm new to this blogging thing!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Winter Fisherman Lodge 4 - I'm on a roll!

I wanted to translate two chapter through the night but I guess my cats don't want me too!

Anyway, here's chapter 4 of the Winter Fisherman Lodge Series

woooossshhhhh - I want to complete this before the week ends. Three more chapters to go. We can do this!

Winter Fisherman Lodge CH 03 - Finiiissshhh him!!!!

Chapter three of The Winter Fisherman Lodge is done!

Here's the link:

Winter Fisherman Lodge CH 03

I also made a new page where we can all monitor the stuff I want to translate for you guys. It's here! Also, I was thinking of translating Okinawa Slave Island manga - does anyone have a good copy? A quick peek at the boards (didn't have time) showed me that it's been released to the wild?

Tell me in the comments below!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Winter Fisherman Lodge CH02! - Everybody needs a backstory and cats!

This chapter is mostly flashbacks to why he's out there. You might get confused at a certain page but - without spoiling much - that's a checkbook (i think) and the actual description of the 'problem' is skipped to add suspense. You'll get it when you get there ~ don't think too much of it.

Without further delay:

Winter Fisherman Lodge CH02

It's tiny in size in comparison to the first chapter. I think it's because I got the first one off aniki (thanks btw) and the rest from anonymouz blogger (thanks a bunch for the mediafire!)

ALSO a tiny tiny correction for the first chapter of the series. It's not really going to impact your understanding or anything but I thought I'd correct it anyway. You can download v2 but if you've got the first one already, just get this page and overwrite! You might not even notice what changed... that's how insignificant it is... but I feel compelled to correct it!

Winter Fisherman Lodge CH01v2

It's page 03 - just click it for the full size. Save it and replace the old one!

Visit the archives for the whole list of translations and links!
On an unrelated note - I found a tiny tiny kitten on my way home today! That route isn't even supposed to be used by pedestrians. I don't know why but I used it today. Now he's got a home and friends (well, my eldest cat is jealous of the attention given to mr.stripey).

There was absolutely no reason for me to tell you that. :-) You can ignore this part! Just wanted to say I have a new cute cat (although a bit malnourished)! He'll get strong soon since he eats like an elephant anyway.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm Alive!!!! & Winter Fisherman Lodge CH01

I'm really sorry for not being to continue the abunai series! I got swamped with work and then the typhoons came and my laptop went swimming :-) Now that I'm back on my feet (remain optimistic!), I probably could start translating again.


Because my laptop wasn't wearing the proper swimwear when it swam in the flood, all my files got wet and in computer terms.. I lost everything :-( . So the series went bye bye and I haven't found the time to search for it. If you want me to continue it, just zip the chapters up and email them to me!

Winter Fisherman Lodge: 

I found the story cute (in a twisted way)! I decided to translate in my spare time (read: wee hours of the morning). It's pretty light considering it's tagame (yikes!).

Here's the first chapter:
Winter Fisherman Lodge CH 01 <old one>
Winter Fisherman Lodge CH01v2  (new one)

it's pretty big (the file size) !>.<!

It seems to be called a 'fisherman lodge' although my father (japanese) kept saying that the characters mean 'wharf' but maybe tagame just wanted to stay out of technical terms? Anyway, I used what everybody is calling it.

If you've got any corrections (grammar and mistranslated stuff) just comment and tell me what and where. Some of the pages got my full unadulterated attention but my eyes were drooping on some so please be nice with the corrections :-)

The next chapters should be following this one. Enjoy everybody.

*the hyper mode of this post is because I drank too much coffee minutes ago.

Oh yeah, if you've got any request, feel free to email me but I can't guarantee when I can do it :-( I really would love to help out but I've got work (which I love by the way :-) !) so I'll try my best!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Abunai Kankei: Taboo Relationship Corrections

Well, this is embarassing... I made a couple of mistakes translating really easy words (now that I stared a little bit more at them).

Anyway, here's the revised:

Abunai Kankei corrected

If you've downloaded the files already, this is the revised page.

Requests, Lineup, and Tips!!!!

I don't mind requests since that'll help me translate more stories for you guys.

At the moment, my translation queue is made of:
1. Abunai Kankei (remaining chapters)
2. Embog 
3. Inaka Isha
4. Lover Boy (tagame)
5. Police Orgy (Fujimoto)
6. Standing Ovations (Tagame)

So, my ability to stomach things are kinda big (*cough*tagame*cough*) so whatever that doujin is, I can probably endure the translation. However, I will not translate shota - for personal reasons. I don't really mind yuri, yaoi, or furry so go send them to me as requests. 

You can send your requests at my email: - I'll reply if your request has been added to the lineup. Also, do make sure nobody is in the middle of translating it :).


If you like my translations enough to tip me, I've set up a paypal account to accept tips!!! 

Anyway, that's my tipjar :)



As I've said, I'm not a "native" japanese speaker. I only learned it from close relatives and since I'm not living in Japan, its a bit rusty. I do try my best to translate as accurately as possible but some things are better understood when rewritten.

Any corrections are appreciated.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Abunai Kankei - Dangerous Relationship

Chapter 01 of Abunai Kankei (Dangerous Relationship) by Nodagaku

Warning: the story contains incest but its mostly played for laughs.

Link: Abunai Kankei Chapter 01


First Post: An Introduction

My japanese have become rather rusty due to fall of use. I've decided to translate "fringe" manga and doujin for non-japanese folks out there who want to read them. Again, due to my japanese being second-hand (learned it from my japanese relatives), there might be mistakes - which I hope would be small and negligble.

Either way, enjoy whatever I post and be sure to support the artist by buying if you can!